We know this is a scary and uncertain time for many of us as we worry about our health and economic futures. Being faced with idea on an extended quarantine can bring up a lot of overwhelming feelings. Perhaps you've noticed more headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, or stomach aches? Your body may be trying to tell you that it is in distress and needs help soothing itself. Thankfully, there have been many people and places that have stepped up to meet the public need. 1) Watch a new movie or TV show to distract yourself: Movies can be a great distraction and escape from our daily frustrations Universal studios is releasing movies to stream that are still playing in theatres https://totallythebomb.com/universal-is-releasing-movies-online-that-are-still-in-theaters-including-trolls-world-tour?fbclid=IwAR3ywHth8TXWE1tf__vqs6HMd1OJtvnsISkk2Hk0_b0KVAXuJEdxRSIZYZc Disney will also be releasing Frozen II 3 months early to stream. Netflix has an option to watch movies online with friends! https://www.gamespot.com/articles/netflix-party-lets-you-watch-with-friends-online-l/1100-6474858/?fbclid=IwAR0N4v_crULpvbbbax0IT3tVmRVTzBL9Uj0Ny0lADstQMCk6wLTaSz8LaMw Or maybe binge a new TV show https://www.buzzfeed.com/kaylayandoli/tv-shows-to-stream-if-you-need-a-good-laugh?utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bffbbuzzfeed&ref=bffbbuzzfeed&fbclid=IwAR2uH4tBl7swxOmLeu9sj2wbnKfffBO0FxmNq7e6CamYUBmPd5SuFJb_q9Q 2) Meditate We need time to relax our bodies with all this stress. Artist Lizzo has been leading online meditation sessions to help calm the community. https://www.dailydot.com/irl/lizzo-meditation-coronavirus/?fb=dd&fbclid=IwAR0SG_bzGCxshkrEIYEFGHLi3Vm2jFLoOLFPDKsPxZiofyhlVBYuznack3c There are lots of apps like the Calm app, woebot, headspace and others that can help you learn to meditate. 3) Learn how to Support your community: Children's Advocacy Services of greater ST. Louis is offering a webinar for supporting children deal with stress of the virus on March 18 at 1:30 pm. http://bit.ly/casgslcoronaviruswebinar. Check out the united way resources https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/520648293605441541/689550992957505536/united_way.jpg?fbclid=IwAR0CX7kDO3FS0gcDSmpg4L9KI4Si9HGiV8MIYoBf0TCwqqXYOM7ic5sX5dc Get help for yourself https://mhanational.org/covid19?fbclid=IwAR1dHEpS-0e12JTSiNc9BiwQR81e0FhS65UM0IUofnS8wzUYMUXLDBGYb4w 4) Take some new educational classes: Scholastic is offering free courses to help your child learn https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/15/us/scholastic-coronavirus-students-trnd/index.html?ofs=fbia&fbclid=IwAR11BvJuXo9ZhlKiaB14WL6dZGWd3Pk9Decj3JEX6w-1S2-DHeVUVY7PyAo Multiple education companies are offering learning opportunities including Harvard www.amazingeducationalresources.com Podcasts like Theaboutsexpodcast, TheLastPodcastonTheLeft, AskaMortician, and CreepyClub all provide a wealth in information on unique topics from ghosts to sex, and death. 5) Take a virtual tour of a national park https://totallythebomb.com/heres-33-national-park-tours-you-can-take-virtually-from-the-comfort-of-your-home?fbclid=IwAR0H4QNnOOs1FTgFFxrKv9vJcrCHz83DHZ6ciGke2oJpstZEpUwWZHj_9o8 6) Tour a Museum Virtually https://anamericaninrome.com/wp/2020/03/italy-museums-visit-for-free-online/?fbclid=IwAR2wAdpGiyp7N689FqlA2rY1xp4MmJER57DjMndAfQ9dMSSZ2pXO6FqaG9A Check out art from Paris Museums https://kottke.org/20/01/paris-museums-put-100000-images-online-for-unrestricted-public-use?fbclid=IwAR3890Gvkzki3YuKhKRu_-7dkXIy4DnP6eiTt326_foMIU4nsKMt_MjZGTs Tour a Historical site too https://totallythebomb.com/33-historic-tours-you-can-take-virtually-from-the-comfort-of-your-home?fbclid=IwAR1X9tw_zx4CPYpw3hfGnGa9aXmOGLL4AiEztqaLLjZGqZzqFHGVL9cRmyI 7) Go on a Virtual Field Trip to the Zoo or even Mars docs.google.com/document/d/1SvIdgTx9djKO6SjyvPDsoGlkgE3iExmi3qh2KRRku_w/preview?fbclid=IwAR3fcbhWLgJcaQITxB0niiX9fmq0yqWQ1xszKE3Z3sSGBuPfEuAu4yXatxg Check out NASAs public library of free images https://www.diyphotography.net/nasa-makes-entire-media-library-publicly-accessible-copyright-free/?fbclid=IwAR0HReZYiNRQ694JX61SdOWym8MWmcEtJ3otLOG80qGATv_fW2gS1va_22Y 8) Laugh a little Watch some comedians on youtube or netflix. Laughter is the best medicine they say. 9) Read some books Your library has free books you can rent and download to your kindle app. Audible will also give you a couple audio books free with a subscription. Amazon frequently offers free books available to download each month, or get the unlimited subscription for $10. 10) Learn a new language This is a great opportunity to learn that language you always meant to. There are many podcasts dedicated to helping you learn. Check out Coffee Break podcasts. 11) Garden This is a perfect time to plant some seeds and grow some fruits and vegetables. Start prepping your garden for spring. Get some fresh air. Gardening is great exercise too. 12) Learn a new hobby This is the perfect time to learn to play that guitar that has been sitting in your basement, to finally figure out how to crochet, to complete the jewelry making project, to finally figure out how leatherworking is done (see Tandy leather), to learn the art of blowing glass or resin making, to hone your cooking, to try out all those projects on your pinterest board, to practice your calligraphy...whatever it is youtube has so many videos on perfecting your craft and facebook has many groups you can join to help you improve your skills. Perennial St. Louis will be posting online tutorials for crafting and upcycling in a sustainable way. 13) Practice Yoga Https://m.youtube/watch?feature=share&v=wsfLjSH-q44 https://totallythebomb.com/15-free-fun-virtual-workouts-to-get-your-exercise-in-while-you-are-at-home?fbclid=IwAR1SziNVATY8Ae8lRTQrVQR3qlZuzAwhla4fv1LvzceprNRi0QXLKzpzY8U 14) Re-connect with Family and Friends So often in the modern world we have complained about social media and work driving us apart. Take the time to reconnect with your loved ones. Call or skype them, dust off the boardgames from your closet, share a puzzle together, get out that deck of cards, maybe even share stories or poetry. 15) Home renovations You are home. You probably have projects you've been meaning to get to for a while. Pour your energy into something productive. 16) Scrapbooking Whether you have the scrapbook supplies you've been meaning to get to since your kid was born (and they are now 10) or you have an online album you were meaning to create, now is the time to sort and organize your memories into something meaningful. 17) Pet love Animals can provide great comfort in times of stress. This is a great time to get in those extra snuggles and walks that make you both feel better. Animal videos on youtube are always great. Have you seen the videos of Fiona the baby hippo? Adorable! https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/cincinnati-zoo-coronavirus-fiona-hippo/index.html?fbclid=IwAR3cx7BAmPirnLaVEPZcrQKQE1uTyZy_M3WYjoQ7KwoX0TvxkWd4zhZZAk0 See her here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2915534028492292/ Check out these funny cat tik toks https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cat-tiktoks-we-need-now_n_5e70f0e8c5b6eab7793d3e2f?utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=main_fb&fbclid=IwAR2oADk1zbYnhMdQivotC1EP-5biS_vehhYrZZbfgs1wjrKQJ8nwZTmDRT8 18) Spa Day at home Your body needs relaxation. Take a warm soothing bubble bath, add those candles and essential oils, maybe turn on some relaxing music. Put a blanket in the dryer and then wrap it around you when it's nice and warm. Make yourself a cup of hot cocoa or tea, and wrap your palms around the mug allowing yourself to feel the soothing warmth while you inhale the pleasant aromas. Maybe add some marshmallows if you have them. Get out your box of nail supplies and pain and buff those nails. Try that paraffin spa or massage cushion that has been sitting in a box for years. You can fill some rice into a sock, infuse eucalyptis oil and you have a nice face mask. Check out pinterest for ideas for homemade spa essentials. 19) Listen to music Music is usually one of the most calming things for people. Get out your playlists, maybe bust out your cds, watch some youtube videos, listen to spotify. Some musicians like the singer from Coldplay have been doing impromptu online concerts. Cellists like Hauser have been creating beautiful peaceful content. Don't forget to sing and dance while you are at it! Clownvis Presley is also providing online entertainment in upcoming broadcasts online https://www.facebook.com/ClownvisPresley/ Enjoy a free concert https://www.npr.org/2020/03/17/816504058/a-list-of-live-virtual-concerts-to-watch-during-the-coronavirus-shutdown?utm_campaign=npr&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_term=nprnews&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR1GS3yF8sAlvJ6zZNcj7JW8HDcfjfHHlWBPG6PE2AipX6pciez9SAMs4Fw More live concert links https://www.stayathomefest.com/?fbclid=IwAR19yYnShCXaLMHWhmz8IOLMElddnlS8x-MzRVLF2zdWJpPHSdkXj44M6fE 20) Catch a broadway show Multiple Broadway, orchestra, operas, and high school theatre companies are continuing their shows, only doing them online for others to enjoy. It's a great time to take in some free culture. https://playbill.com/article/15-broadway-plays-and-musicals-you-can-watch-on-stage-from-home?fbclid=IwAR0Ptyqeh4WCxJ5dy3ntGr-AHDAFZckWAmIzMwEHHqDd2xEhuMusP__mvKw More concerts and performances here https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/the-show-must-go-on-if-youre-isolated-at-home-watch-these-performances?fbclid=IwAR0hTCPzYzmO0V5f5U_L3i7Zx7_t6wwpUm4tD2kWeZws7ZOPYISvc68omeM
Our therapists at Healing Reflections Therapy wish to extend our care and concern to our community during this time of crisis. We will continue to provide services during the Covid-19 Pandemic, but with alterations to services beginning Wednesday March 18, 2020. We will be offering services via telehealth phone or video conferencing. We encourage you to check with your insurance company to ensure telehealth is covered. During this time, cancellation fees will also be waived due to health concerns in an effort to ensure our clients are making the best decisions for their health, their families health, and the safety of the community.
Check out this Resource from the National Childhood Center for Traumatic Stress for a guide for caring for your family during this time. https://www.nctsn.org/resources/parent-caregiver-guide-to-helping-families-cope-with-the-coronavirus-disease-2019 Follow us for tips on self-care during this pandemic. |
AuthorSMegan Garza, MA, LMFT is a certified Specialist in Treating Trauma at a Supervisory level and is Licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She specializes in work with sexual abuse survivors. Archives
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